About Cambridgeshire County Netball Association


Important Documents

  Our Aims 

Committee – 2021/22


 Cambridgeshire County Netball Association aims to:

Promote netball in line with England Netball Guidelines; Encourage positive netball for all abilities and ages within Cambridgeshire; Develop players, officials and coaches through courses and mentoring; and Provide assistance with funding to enhance netball within the region


 Meet the committee, click here

 To contact a member of the CCNA committee, please visit the committee page, or alternatively, email committee@cambscna.org . Please remember CCNA is run by volunteers, and while we will endeavour to answer your query as quickly as possible, it may not be immediate. Thank you for your patience.

Code of Conduct    


Cambridgeshire County Netball Association aims to:

  • Promote netball in line with England Netball Guidelines;
  • Encourage positive netball for all abilities and ages within Cambridgeshire;
  • Develop players, officials and coaches through courses and mentoring;
  • Provide assistance with funding to enhance netball within the region
Find out more about CCNA…