A minimum of two representatives from each club must attend. As per County Constitution, “Clubs failing to send two representatives to the County AGM should be fined £50 and deducted 10 points per team for the following England Netball year (1st September to 31st August). Clubs will be unable to play competitive netball until the fine has been paid to their relevant League Secretary”.

All reports and documents attached to Agenda and Minutes have previously been circulated to Clubs.

To request further copies, please contact your Club Secretary, or Clare Housden.

The latest Cambridgeshire Constution can be found here: Cambridgeshire_County_Constitution_2022_June_23


Each year we celebrate the achievements of Cambridgeshire Netball and those within it. We award the following:

Felice Papworth  – this award was created in memory of Felice Papworth and all that she did to promote and encourage netball in this county and within the sport in general. It is designed to recognise any player, coach, umpire or team that has done something which has had a positive impact on the game at a personal, team or club level. It is our opportunity to celebrate all that is good about netball in our county and is nominated by you. Nominate someone for the Felice Papworth.

Young Achiever: this is in recognition of how hard our younger players work. This award is open to anyone up to the age of 24 and it recognises their contribution to the game. This can be in the form of player, commitment to the club, volunteering, officiating; it really is up to you. They can be a school player, team player or a young person within your club. Nominate a young achiever.

Young Volunteer – * NEW* – we’re introducing a new award this year to celebrate our wonderful youth volunteers. Open to anyone U18 who is actively volunteering in netball whether that’s as a coach, official, committee member, event helper, school team helper…the list is endless! Nominate a young volunteer

Team of the year: Awarded to team(s) who have excelled in their achievements throughout the year. 


2018-2019 – 2018-2019 CCNA round up